RaptureChrist Newsletter
Often we do wonder why God allows into our lives some rain. Please do remember that life would be a desert if everyday was sunny. For everything God does there is a purpose. Ah yes, do expect to see some rain.
The day before yesterday I fell while riding my bicycle and I believe that God helped me. The bicycle needs to go to the repair shop as it does not work anymore. However, all I got were a few scratches and a lesson in how we need to be more aware. I believe we should pray every day for God to protect us. The Devil is very angry. He really wants to hurt us. Please do understand who our main adversary is. I just saw a video about 21 Christian martyrs in Libya that were executed by ISIS. These 21 men were tortured before they were beheaded by ISIS and they were asked to recant their faith in Jesus, but all 21 said no. Matthew 24:13 Ah yes, the road ahead for us... is certainly not an easy one. Still, we must be willing to fight on. Please do not give up. After all, this is more important that anything else we do now. Those that endure to the very end will win. |
A lady once told me. Please give me some tissues, I have too many issues. There are times in our lives when overwhelming sadness threatens to engulf us. Ah yes, we need to stand strong then as now. People often wonder why God allows bad things to occur. I believe that we are being tested while we are on Earth and we need to strive hard to pass. James 1:12 Often we complain about our lot in life, but we need to think about who would we rather be - Lazarus or the rich man. This life is short, but eternity goes on forever and ever. The end is never. It is important that we do God's will and not sin. Otherwise, our Lord will not look with favor on us. Matthew 7:12-14