V RaptureChrist Newsletter
People fear the big boss and getting fired from their own company. That's because there will be no money coming in. Sadly, everything is so expensive now. Yes, our life revolves around people working to make money. To survive we must earn an income. It allows us to pay taxes and buy groceries. God warns us that we cannot serve two masters - God and money. Matthew 6:24 Please do understand that Satan is the ruler of this evil world that is based on greed and envy. However, we are told that in Paradise there is no money. Listen to what God says: Isaiah 55:1-3 Frankly, we should start learning to help each other and not to depend so much on making money. Oh yes, I do know that we need to pay bills and that this world revolves around money. That said, we should start to help those near us. God says that even if we give some one a cup of water, God will reward us. Matthew 10:42 In fact, churches could have their members help each other without charging any money. People in Paradise are flesh and blood, and if they overcome... they can eat of the tree of life and live forever without aging. Revelation 2:7 Spirit beings do not need to eat of the tree of life and this message was delivered to the churches as a hope for flesh and blood beings such as us. God can take us to Paradise so we can be with Him. God can take us to a better place than this one. Please do not give up. |
God says we are to love our enemies. Folks, this is not so easy. Most of us love our friends and hate our enemies. However, God tells us: Matthew 5:43-45
God wants us to have a heart that is full of love toward our brothers and sisters that share this earth with us. It is true that God gave us ten commandments, but Jesus Christ His son, gave us a new one. John 13:34 I realize this is not easy. However, instead of depending on our reasoning power, all of us must do what God says - even when it does not make sense. Part of having intelligence is understanding that there are those who are far wiser than us. Where I hear the term CCD, I do not think colony collapse disorder, but rather instead about some Christian Churches Dying. Yeah, we often see this phenomenon in tiny towns where the population is low and there are many retail stores that are shut down and boarded up. I will tell you the main reason. People in these churches do not care. They have no empathy for their fellow man or woman. All they do is chase money. Well, the results are plain for all to see. |