V Rapture
Christ Newsletter
The effect of lies is pervasive. Do think of it this way. Please imagine that you have a world based on lies - a man robs a bank, and you cannot find him so you falsely blame an innocent bank guard and throw him in prison. However, the bank robber is still out loose robbing banks and the problem does not go away. Fellow colleagues, lies never help us. Rather instead, they hurt us. It is important to find the right man. Satan's system leads us to chaos and confusion instead of catching the right man. Actually, we really do need to put that bank robber in prison. Otherwise, the problem remains. Remember that finding the truth is not so easy. Often, we will go up blind alleys until we find the right one. John 14:6 Jesus says that everyone who belongs to the truth listens to His voice: John 18:37
Later on, when I was working, a fellow coworker told me that if you say a lie enough times it becomes the new reality and it replaces the old one. For example, history books when I was a kid were very different than history books written now. However, the actual history itself did not change, but those in power changed the message that they give us. When I was a boy, I learned that the Roman Empire was a vast multicultural empire... that included parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia. I now read that Rome (Europe) was full of racism. That they were conquering and enslaving people of other races. Well, it is certainly very curious - this new message. It's main design, is to pit one group against another group. Division is what it creates instead of union. Basically, those in power believe that reality changes depending on what people believe in and not on what actually did occur. |
I have noticed that You Tube is removing a lot of videos now. In fact, You Tube brags that they are removing 40 million videos per year. They do claim that preventing lies and misinformation is their reason. However, I have noticed that a lot of those videos often are not politically correct and come from people with different views. Governments say that destroying important evidence is seen as a crime. How can we get to the truth if all our evidence is gone? John 16:13 God will guide us to the truth with his spirit. This is what the Holy Bible says. Sadly, the world we are in... tells us that religion is a falsehood, and that our one true reality is science. Oh yes, we are told not to believe in the unseen. Well, I believe in radio waves, but I have never seen one. Actually, when we are in school, we are given a false narrative about a past that never was. There was no big bang nor evolution nor ape men. God created us, not random errors. Satan believes that he can use lies to win. In fact, what happens is that the preponderance of evidence is against him and his followers who use science.