V RaptureChrist Newsletter
In the Book of Daniel
we can read about a dream which Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon, had and which the prophet Daniel was
given its interpretation.
The King had dreamed of a statue with a head of gold, breast and arms of silver, belly and thighs of bronze, legs of iron, and feet made up of a mix of iron and clay. Daniel 2:32-33
First Kingdom - GOLD This first kingdom represented by gold was Babylon. Second Kingdom - SILVER The second kingdom represented by silver was Medo-Persia. There were two arms in the statue, much in the same way the kingdom consisted of two groups: the Medes and the Persians. As sterling silver is stronger than pure gold so also the Medo-Persians were stronger than the Babylonians and conquered them. According to the Bible this kingdom was inferior in quality to Babylon. Daniel 2:39 Third Kingdom - BRONZE As for the value of the three metals {gold, silver, and bronze}, let me give you an idea of their relative worth in the 1800's: gold was used in 20 dollar gold pieces, silver was used in silver dollars, and copper was used in pennies. That is why in the Olympics the medals are: gold for 1st prize, silver for 2nd prize, and bronze for 3rd prize. The third part of the image represented by bronze was Greece. Under Alexander the Great, Greece conquered much of the known world. The influence of the Greeks continued for many years. In fact, the New Testament was written in Greek. Fourth Kingdom - IRON Whereas gold is a precious metal, iron is a base metal. Iron has so little value that it is not considered a coin metal; in other words, the three previous empires used coin metals: gold is used to symbolize Babylon, silver is used to symbolize Persia, and bronze, which is mostly copper, is used to symbolize Greece. The fourth kingdom was not as beautiful and refined as the other previous three, but what it lacked in luxury it made up for in brute power. The Bible says that it bruised and crushed the other kingdoms. The new empire was more practical and less idealistic.
Daniel 2:40 Iron has not the splendor of the previous metals. The quality that identifies iron is its strength. The fourth part of the image represented by iron was Rome. It was a very powerful kingdom. The Greeks claimed that the Romans lacked culture and refinement, and that they were a militaristic people given to wars and conquests and not to building beautiful monuments. It was the Roman Empire that was in power when Christ lived on Earth. The two iron legs of the Roman Empire represented two separate governments: the first government which was the eastern part had the capital in Constantinople, the second government, which was the western part, had the capital in Rome. While the western part of the Roman Empire fell first, the eastern part, also known as the Byzantine Empire, went on for hundreds of years. |
Finally, the last part of the statue represented by iron and clay is not even a metal, but a conglomerate of the base metal iron mixed with miry clay. Each alone has valuable properties; for example, clay will not rust, and can last thousands of years. However, clay is very brittle. Once it is fired, no one can change or alter its shape. Iron, on the other hand, can be melted down and reused. You can change the shape of iron objects, but in order to do so, it is necessary to first heat the iron to a high temperature, and then hit it with a heavy hammer. Iron has a very valuable quality - it is very strong. However, by mixing iron with clay the good qualities of both materials cancel out. I bought a patio bench made of cast iron that was broken -- thinking I could fix it by soldering together the broken pieces. After having it soldered, as I was assembling the bench, when I put the seat down, it snapped -- but in a different place. I realized that this iron had a lot of clay in it. The iron was very brittle. It did not have any strength, but broke before I could sit on it. I had to take it back to be soldered again. It was worthless. I have it as a decoration piece. People cannot sit on it. The statue has a gradient where you go from something extremely valuable (head of gold) to something that is worthless (feet of iron with clay). You cannot hit iron mixed with clay with a hammer. It will shatter. Unlike any of the other parts: gold, silver, bronze, or iron, the combination of iron and clay has zero malleability - you cannot work with it. It is believed that the final government or fifth kingdom represented by two feet of iron and clay is United Europe with one foot being Eastern Europe and the other foot being Western Europe -- a continuation of the two legs of iron that represented the Roman Empire. Five of the toes are part of Western Europe, and five of the toes are part of Eastern Europe. The fifth government has a capital in Brussels, a constitution, and a common currency; but multiple languages, different religions, and different ethnicities. The recent riots in France point to a problem that France as a nation, as well as the whole of the European Union now face: the immigrant population in cities such as London, Paris, Rome, Frankfurt, Brussels, and other cities is rising at an accelerated pace. According to the Caleb Project, the question is: "Will they (the immigrants) adapt to become like us," many Londoners wonder, "or will they change the face of our city forever?" What does the Bible say? Daniel 2:41 Daniel 2:42 This kingdom will be composed of iron and clay. We know that the iron was the Roman Empire, but what is the clay? It is a group of people who do not wish to become part of the iron and by moving into the last empire they weaken it and make it fragile. The main elements that make a government brittle and lack cohesiveness are: different races, different religions, and different languages. We find these three elements in Europe at the moment. The recent riots in France are a symptom that the kingdom is being broken. It is filled with division and it is not cohesive. Daniel 2:43 As the Bible states in the previous verse, these immigrants will not marry with the original population of Europe. This is probably due to a difference in religion and culture, and it only tends to make the kingdom more brittle. These illegal immigrants have few skills. They do not contribute in a positive way to the health of the nation, instead they are the recipients of many social programs. To stop the flow of illegal immigrants who are causing riots, the government of Europe could implement a mandatory ID. This ID will be compulsory on every citizen to avoid charges of discrimination. This last government represented by the two feet of the statue will be destroyed by God. Daniel 2:34 Daniel 2:44 In the Book of Revelation, the big leader is the Leopard Beast who is thrown into the lake of fire at the return of Christ. Revelation 19:20 Get ready, the rapture is closer than you think! |