V RaptureChrist
The disease has two forms. The most common form
is cutaneous anthrax -- the mode of entry being injured skin.
The pulmonary form, inhalation anthrax (woolsorters' disease), is
extremely rare and is the one used in biological warfare. Symptoms: 1- 6 days after inhalation (the incubation could last a month):
Symptoms may improve for a few hours or 2-3 days After 2-3 days symptoms worsen:
Medical Tests:
The mucoid capsule that surrounds the bacillus makes phagocytosis (engulfing the bacteria) by neutrophils and macrophages difficult. The toxins produced by the bacillus causes edema and hemorrhage. Complications:
Treatment: Prevention is the only treatment for inhalation anthrax. It could be done with vaccination or with antibiotics. The problem with using the vaccine is that it is not readily available; it is only used for military personnel. The problems with using antibiotics in asymptomatic patients are the following:
Treatment of contaminated areas: Disinfecting contaminated objects (fomites) is
possible using a 0.05% hypochlorite solution (1 tbps. bleach per gallon
of water). The spores are more resistant and need steam sterilization
(autoclave). Staying away from crowded places where terrorists could disseminate spores is another effective way to avoid exposure. |
These groups are the ones most likely to carry out chemical, biological, and nuclear attacks, the fear of which is now paralyzing America. The US Government is looking closely at the two anthrax cases in Florida. The first casualty, Robert Stevens, lived less than one mile south from the airport where Mohammed Atta, one of the hijackers who crashed an airliner into the World Trade Center in New York City on September 11, took flying lessons. Robert Stevens was photo editor for American Media Inc (AMI), editors for The National Enquirer and the Sun, based in Boca Raton, Florida. The second anthrax case in South Florida, Ernesto Blanco, was employed at the same place of work as Robert Stevens. The third case, Stephanie Daily, also works at AMI. How did they contract anthrax? There have been only 18 cases of inhalation anthrax in the US in the entire 20th century. The last case was 25 years ago. Neither Mr. Stevens, Mr. Blanco, nor Ms. Daily were veterinarians, woolsorters, or tanners -- which have a higher than average rate of exposure. Mr. Stevens worked as a photo editor; Mr. Blanco and Ms. Daily worked in the mailroom of the same building. Law enforcement sources said investigators were unable to match the
South Florida strain of anthrax with any on record -- the closest match
was a laboratory manufactured strain. The Islamic militants received their training in the use of anthrax from Iraqi military intelligence experts. According US officials Mohammed Atta met with Iraqi intelligence agents in Prague, Czech Republic on two occasions, June 2000 and April 2001. Iraq is the only country known to be actively developing substances for chemical and biological warfare such as anthrax, sarin, mustard gas and nerve gases to be used against civilian targets. Anthrax spores are one of the top choices of weapons
for biological warfare. The spores of B. anthracis are easily produced, and
in dry form remain viable for decades. How are the spores released?
Mohamed Atta was seen in Belle Glade, Florida trying to buy a crop dusting plane. If he had succeeded we would currently have thousands of cases instead of three. How is South Florida coping? Employees of American Media Inc (AMI) are being tested for anthrax at the Delray Health Center close to Boca Raton, Florida. They are also getting a two-week supply of ciprofloxacin, an antibiotic that is effective against anthrax. Christ told us these plagues would come upon humanity. Revelation 6:8 The original Greek word translated as beasts is "therion"
"θ η ρ ι ω ν" which also means
evil beastly men. These terrorists are "wild beasts" and
behave like animals.