Christ Newsletter
Antibiotic use in farm animals is growing at an alarming pace. This poses a grave danger to us. Resistant super bugs make people sick and are hard to treat now. Certainly, the profit motive is pushing factory farms to cram many animals into small spaces. The conditions are unsanitary and oppressive. Bird flu caused the death of more than 58 million chickens and other poultry last year. My
heart breaks for the poor animals that are suffering right now. How can
we be so cruel?
Basically, the pale green horse of Revelation is saddle up and ready to go. Expect drug resistant bacteria to grow in numbers in coming years. Revelation 6:7-8
Factory farms are like an abomination that defines this wicked era. The way we treat others reflects on who we are. Let me give you one case. For example, a coworker that steals some coins from the tip jar... that is probably not some one that you can count on. Actions speak louder than words to me. God tells us that what we sow... the same we shall reap. Therefore we should be extremely careful with what we sow. Do not cast weed seed and expect to see some green grass grow. Galatians 6:7 Therefore, let us obey God and do what ever He commands us. |
Fellow colleagues we need to accept the fact that we are far from perfect and own our errors. Fools repeat the very same mistake over an over. They do not learn from their errors.
Instead, after the disaster occurs... basically, the fool blames others for the error. Let me explain the complex mechanism to you. If I make a mistake, I try to learn from it so I do not make the same mistake again. However, fools believe that admitting they made a mistake lowers their value in other people's eyes so they play the blame game. However, this comes at a high price. If someone else is responsible in the fool's mind, then the fool does not have to alter their behavior and the fool learns zero. Admitting you made a mistake is quite hard, but it is necessary. Otherwise, you are consigned to making that same mistake again and again. That is a negative out come. Remember the saying - few are as foolish as those who think they are wise. Fools believe they are wise. Also, they believe that the other people around them are morons. Actually, this phenomenon is known as the Dunning Kruger Effect. This explains why fools do not change their behavior when their coworkers issue a warning. If we feel that we are very wise... then we are less likely to listen to what other people say when they warn us.
Often, a fool will talk about how stupid other people are. In fact, hearing some one say that other people are morons... like that is a sign... that the person saying such nonsense is probably most unwise. It is like a crazy person... that always says other people are crazy. Fact is, intelligent people realize that we are tiny specs of dust in an immense universe. It could be that I a know a little more than another person in a small limited area. However, that does not make me wise. Fools are often lazy physically as well as mentally for some reason. God says: Proverbs 26:16 |