V RaptureChrist
Do you ever wonder why God says: Revelation 12:9 Most of what you see on television is lies and I am not just talking about a TV series. In fact, nature shows use Foley sound and often natures preserves are zoos. They are simply bigger in size. Typically in nature you do not hear a lion's foot falls or the sound of a deer wiggling its ears. By flapping a pair of gloves, a Foley artist makes a noise, which is similar to that of a deer wiggling its ears. However, both sounds are not the same. I have been out in nature and you hear no sound when a deer moves its ears. Do you hear a sound when your cat moves its ears? I did not think so. These sound effects are used to make the film production more dramatic, but it is a lie that is meant to fool you. Satan is very tricky and I will give you another example to illustrate my point. Often in a nature show you hear a snake gliding on grass. However, in reality there is no noise. If there was, it would alert a mouse. The snake would be a lot less effective in sneaking up on you. Likewise, Satan uses tricks to deceive you. Just be on the alert to what his traps are. Television is notorious for using CGI or computer generated images. Photo shop is a computer program used to generate images in magazines. Models are happy that it removes small wrinkles and facial blemishes, but it sets an impossibly high standard for the rest of us. TV shows about fishing will often use fake locations and fake underwater sounds to spice up a scene. Result is that when you go fishing, you will have a very different experience. Sounds that you hear are often not present in that environment, but later added in. Satan likes to create these lies as there is no truth in him, but he does try to make the sounds similar to what you would expect. For example, you do not hear a rabbit roar. If you hear snarling and howling, it comes from a wolf, not a mouse. Often, the devil mixes lies and truth to better deceive you. You might ask how this affects us. When I was a boy, I like to watch cowboy movies. I never did see the hero stop shooting to reload his six gun. It would spit out an endless supply of bullets with amazing accuracy. Also, I liked to see shows on TV about cops. Police did not have to spend hours filling out paper work or going through files to get information on a case. Instead the robber and the police were always shooting guns. What I did not know is that the average police man will fire his gun at a criminal only once in his entire life. Do remember that sounds used in movies are often not the ones the gun produces because Hollywood wants to make things more dramatic for us. Lies are seen as more exciting than reality for the average person. People have brains that are full of lies and reality operates in a completely different way. |
Revelation tells us about the days we are living in. It talks about four main sins. Revelation 9:21 The word the bible uses for fornication is pornoia from where we get porn. It refers to a sexual relationship outside of marriage. God tells us that fornication is wrong. However, scientists are saying that abnormal behavior is normal and that it is good for us. Scientists say that children born from fornication help diversity to increase. What we are not told is that the break down in society due to lack of morals is a serious issue. We not only see an increase in fornication, but in related sins such as pornography, adultery, bestiality, and homosexuality, but God warns us to keep away from this type of behavior. Exodus 20:14 Notice that this command is part of the ten commandments, the basis of all our civil laws. There are many Christians that do not know that simply lusting over a woman is a sin. Matthew 5:27-29 Often, people do not realize the danger found in the internet which is filled with dirty photos, videos and movies. They look at R-rated movies and deplorable TV shows which depict all type of sinful lifestyles. Please be vigilant about movies. Even regular movies contain certain improper scenes. Most of us know their purpose. It is a weapon of the devil to try to get us to sin. Do not be deceived, many murderers started out by looking at pornographic pictures. Observe that a rotten tree cannot stand, but it will fall down. Likewise, a person whose life is full of sin will fall down. Moral strength comes from obeying God's commandments. 1 Peter 1:14-16 Remember that some preachers pretend to be close to God, but their heart is far away. Often they will talk about love, but not about living a righteous life. Jesus says: John 14:15 Pharisees in Christ's day pretended to obey God's laws, but they were evil to the core. They claimed to be Abraham's children, but Jesus said that they were the children of the devil. John 8 Often, the Pharisees would clash with Jesus, as deep darkness and bright light are mutually exclusive. Yet these evil men did outwardly seem pious. Matthew 23:27-28 There are many so called "Bible Scholars" who claim the bible is full of errors, but their purpose is to lead you away from obeying the Lord. Psalm 12:6 These men with degrees in Divinity are always mocking the truth of the bible, trying to sway your belief in
the word of God. These men are liars like their father the devil who is the father of lies. Psalm 119:160 Jesus also testified that all the word of God is true. John 17:17 It is not God's wish that any of us should perish. However, we must obey His commandments. 2 Peter 3:9 So, do not judge by outward appearances. God in His wisdom, gave us His laws to guide us to make just and right decisions. Beware of the liars who say that God's law is done away with. Doing what feels right is not always right. God is the only one who decides what is right and what is wrong. Let us do what He says so that we will not feel ashamed at His coming. |