V RaptureChrist
The pope said on June 26, 2016 that his church must apologize to gays. Rev. James Martin, a Jesuit priest, called the pope's statements "a groundbreaking moment."
Therefore, the penalty for the pope will be more severe than for an ordinary Christian man or woman. He teaches his followers that they must accept gays. Rather instead, he should tell his flock that God will burn unrepentant sinners in the eternal fire. However, if he said that, he would not be popular with the progressives. All he wants is to give an appearance, pretend that he really does care. If he did care, he would warn people that God is angry. People in the last days will not hide their sin. Instead, they will declare it in the open. Christians are now told that we must accept sinners. Well, that is why God will destroy this evil world. Listen to what God says. Isaiah 3:8-9 Jesus spoke about these last days we are in telling us that it would be like the days of Lot, and that God would rain fire and brimstone and destroy them all. Rampant homosexuality is the hall mark of end times.
Certainly, a tree is known by its fruit, and what is the fruit of this one? I do not see Pope Francis warning anyone. But, fire and brimstone are coming just as the Bible says. God will do once more just what He did to Sodom. Abraham asked God to save Sodom for the sake of ten men. I wonder if we have even that many. |
Since July 1, 2016, the military in this country of America is accepting "transgender people" to serve. How will the military deal with transgender people in a submarine? Will transgenders be allowed into the women's shower room? December 2, 2012 was when the American Psychiatric Association removed Gender Identity Disorder as a mental condition. It is now considered perfectly normal for a man to use cosmetic surgery and artificially transform himself into a woman. Of course these "women" do not have wombs or ovaries. God tells us that men are not to dress as women. Deuteronomy 22:5 Scientists are telling us now that this pattern of homosexual behavior is perfectly normal and sane. However, they constantly change what they view as sane. Homosexuality was seen as a mental illness in the 1950's. Transsexuals were seen as suffering from a psychiatric disorder as late as 2012, but now we have a movement for science to become politically correct and progressive. Otherwise, the corrupt to the core government will not fund their research anymore. A nation becomes morally bankrupt before it does so in its economy. Matthew 7:24-27 The solution to our problems is not more technology or more science. Maybe that is from whence the problems came. After all, science delivers little and always promises more. Do you remember how scientists back in the 1950's talked to us about free electricity and atoms for peace? How they told us that we needed nuclear power? They said that rather than use one box car full of coal, we would use one tiny pellet of uranium. Look at Chernobyl and Fukushima to see what they gave us. Oh yes, where is the free electricity they did promise us? What can I say about the religion of science? It changes its story every day of every year. Certainly, it is not normal for a man to claim he is a
woman; it is not normal for him to chop off his male organ. Also, it is not normal for him to take female sex hormones for the rest of his life because he wants to grow
breasts and act like a woman. It is more than simply allowing transgender troops to openly serve. This government wants to force people to accept abominations that science creates for us. For example, they have made legal such things as abortion, same sex marriage, and genetically modified organisms. Truly, our leaders are evil to their core. Sadly, our internet, TV shows, and news media are full of perversion. This is because the very base of our country, which used to be firmly established on Christian morality, is gone. Government leaders are not aware of how profound the damage is. Certainly, as our morals weaken, this nation will not be able to stand. What do you see now? It is the collapse of an empire. |