V RaptureChrist Newsletter
In 2001 Holland legalized same sex marriage (SSM). It was the first country to do so. There are now ten more. The United States did pass the defense of marriage act (DOMA) in 1996 stating that marriage can only consist of one man and one woman. The federal government of the United States has not legalized same sex marriage, but individual states have. In May 17, 2004, Massachusetts became the first state to legalize gay marriage. Starting on July 25th of this year, New York gays will be allowed to marry. In fact, there is talk of a presidential bid for New York governor Andrew Cuomo due to his success in passing this law.
Republicans in America have always been regarded as being more
conservative, voting against abortion and gay marriage. However, in New
York, many rich Republicans are gay, and Wall street money has been used
in political campaigns. Well now, Wall
Street went for gay marriage.
For many politicians
it is a money issue. They do not care about morals, but they do
care about money. Well, many gay
contributors are very generous. Republicans against gay marriage say
that this is for them a MORAL issue. Sadly, many of them did not get
elected because they did not get enough money for their campaigns. Democrats,
on the contrary, say it is a CIVIL RIGHTS issue. That
means gays are considered a protected group, similar to minority
groups, and we all know about the quota system. Many Christians now fear that their church will be forced to marry gays.
For example, at one time there were churches that discriminated against
marriage by people of different races. The US government made this
practice illegal. Therefore we might soon see laws enacted by our
government in which a church would lose their certification as a
charitable organization if they refuse SSM.
God makes abundantly clear what His view on sin is. Romans 6:23 God states in the bible that to practice homosexuality is a sin. I have seen gays say that God is evil because He does not accept them as they are. Romans 1:25-27 I do not want to go into a medical description of all the consequences of doing a practice that is against nature, but I know that when God says, "receiving in themselves that recompense of their error," it is not only in a spiritual way, but in a physical one. If homosexuals do not repent of their sin, their own fate is to be thrown into the lake of fire. Revelation 21:8 Homosexuality, although becoming more prevalent now, is something that also happened in the past. It got so bad that God decided to wipe out two major cities off the face of the earth. The lesson of Sodom and Gomorrah is for us. That is so we understand what the fate of unrepentant sinners is. We must all repent of our sins, including gays. If we do not, God will throw us into the fire. Jude 1:7
2nd Peter 2:6,7 Please do not be deceived, as God will judge all of us. He makes clear that we need to REPENT and accept the sacrifice of Jesus to atone for our sins.