V RaptureChrist Newsletter
for you. Do you feel some despair in our crisis?
Hope in Times Of Crisis
How should you react when it feels like the very earth is shifting beneath
your feet? Life has become un-level in the current pandemic era. Not only are we
experiencing a shift physically with stores and restaurants closing,
keeping us from communal activities in our cities or towns but also
spiritually with churches closed to large gatherings.
I think we all have asked, "How do I maintain hope when everything is
changing on us?"
Remember, there is one thing that never changes - GOD!
The writer of Hebrews says, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today
and forever." Jesus does not change in times of war, times of plague, or in
times of unrest. Although it seems the world is spinning out of control,
the believer must keep our focus on one thing, our savior.
Jesus is our answer. He will help us in our time of troubles, for dark days
are ahead for us. I expect that more plagues are near.
This does not mean you ignore the times we are in. You do not ignore
washing out hands or staying six feet away from one another to keep the
virus from spreading. You should be the embodiment of Christ among the
sick, the poor, the doubting, and the fearful.
You should be hopeful, but you should also embody hope by serving your
neighbors, delivering food, checking on the elderly and those most
vulnerable. Even ordering take out from your local restaurant says, "I will
not hide or go away, I'll support others around me".
There is being hopeful and then there is living hope. In living hope, you
become more hopeful. Hide your own self and the dread will find you. Live
in a way that your neighbors will recognize the hope that is in and you, in
turn, can point to the One in whom you have hope.
Fellow brothers and sisters, there is a lot to ponder on as we commence a new year. I do hope that God will help us. He says: Revelation 21:3-7 Truly, this has been a terrible year. I look forward to a time when God is with us. He will take away all our pain. I ask that you have faith for God will indeed comfort us. Isaiah 11:1-9 all My holy mountain, for the earth
shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD |