V Rapture Christ Newsletter
January 1, 201

Blaming Others

God tells us about the problems we create when we blame another person. OK, what I found is the following. Most of the time people will disobey God, then they will try to blame others and come up with excuses. For example, look at the first humans - Adam and Eve.

Genesis 3:12
And Adam said: The woman, whom you gave me to be my companion, gave me of the tree, and I did eat.

Let us go on. The Bible tells us that Adam blamed Eve and Eve blame the snake, but none of them took responsibility for their actions. This is quite common. Quite common as most people prefer to blame someone else instead of understanding that they have to face the music.

Sadly, we see that Eve blamed the snake instead of admitting her sin. The result is the world we are living in.

Genesis 3:13
The LORD God then asked the woman, "What have you done?" "The snake tricked me," she answered, "and I ate some of that fruit."

Certainly, blaming others is not the answer. Eve should have taken the blame for what she did, and I am sure... that God would have shown her mercy.

Trying to get others to pay. Well, that is true across different time periods, but it is still wrong. Humans need to stop blaming others and accept responsibility for our sins.

Two Ways

God wants people who take responsibility for their actions instead of blaming others and coming up with excuses. He does not like it, when you fail to understand that you need to change and become a better person, but this is very important for all of us.

The Devil wants you to blame others and claim it is not your fault when something bad occurs. Sadly, that way, you never improve. I did say never. After all, it is always some one else that takes the beating and not you.

Please stop trying to blame some one. Do not look for new or more excuses. Instead, look in the mirror.

There are two ways. God's way and the Devil's way. Satan wants you to become a liar like he is.

Our Lord Jesus Christ wants us to take responsibility for our actions and grow up. Do not be like the little boy who breaks the cookie jar. Certainly, he thinks that he can eat all the cookies with no consequences. Also, he believes that if he lies and blames the event on his younger brother, he can escape. However, his mom sees a smear of chocolate on his nose. Talk about the smoking gun.

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