What is ortho doina? According to the Free Online Dictionary, a doina is a folk song which tells the life and struggles of a people throughout its history. If you look up the word ortho, it means right or straight. Therefore, an ortho doina is the Right Song. We find that such a song is the Torah -- the first five books of the bible.Yes, the first five books of the bible relate the story of God's people and their struggles. It gives us the commandments of the Lord in order that we would walk in His path and lead lives pleasing to Him. One of the commandments is about the requirement for every Jew to write a copy of the Torah. This is an important part of growing up. By having the people write the Torah scroll they remember all of God's commands a lot better. According to Aryeh Kaplan, It is a positive commandment for every Jew to write a Torah or have one written for him. It is thus written, "Now write this song for yourselves" (Deut 31:19). Since it is forbidden to write portions of the Torah separately, this commandment is an injunction to write the entire Torah. The verse in question says: Deut
31:19 This is an important Bible verse. It is used by Jews to say that we must write God's words and memorize them. For this reason, the Jews have been a literate people for thousands of years. They all learn to read and write. In the time of Christ, all men in the synagogue knew how to read and write and were familiar with the Tanakh. This is because they had all been forced to write a Torah scroll when they were young. All
Torah scrolls must be perfect, and if there is even one error, you
must throw the Torah scroll out. Kaplan
also mentions how important it was to copy perfectly every character in the
Torah: Yeshua
our savior was the son of a carpenter, but as we mentioned before, that
did not make him any less as far as knowing the Torah, as all Jewish
people knew how to read and write. Luke
4:16-18 Not only was this common man able to read the Torah, but He was the fulfillment of those words of Isaiah... Yes, God anointed Yeshua to preach the gospel, to heal us, to make us free, and to give us everlasting life. |
Were Yeshua and his 12 apostles illiterate? I have seen some "Christian" scholars claim that Yeshua's apostles were illiterate men, common fishermen, and therefore some of the books of the bible were NOT written by the disciples of our Messiah Yeshua. This type of reasoning usually comes from "college professors" with NO fear of the Lord, who are ignorant of the fact that ALL Jewish males were literate because of the commandment of the Lord to write a Torah. These "scholars" quote: John 7:14 They refer to this Bible verse in an attempt to say Yeshua was illiterate. Well, that is not so. At age 12, He was already in the temple talking about God with the doctors of law. Luke
2:46-47 In reference to the apostles being illiterate, scholars use this verse: Acts
4:13 Peter
and John were unlearned, as they had no formal training, but the apostles could read and
write and so could other Jews. Look at what Yeshua says when addressing a crowd: Many of Yeshua's disciples were not simple people. Harry A. Gaylord says that Matthew was a tax collector who needed to keep records in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin for the Roman Empire. Luke was a physician and had extensive knowledge. Doctors not only needed to diagnose and treat the sick, but write extensive reports. Certainly, the idea that Yeshua's disciples were all poor illiterate fishermen is a fallacy. In fact, this is an attempt to try to discredit the fact that the New Testament was written by literate Jews. Jews were reading the Torah every Sabbath in the Synagogue for thousands of years. Tim Hegg mentions Joshua and Nehemiah as examples of Israelites reading the Torah to the people in ancient times. They were not illiterate, but far from it. Literacy was a lot more common in the Roman Empire than in the later dark ages. Witness the Library of Alexandria in Egypt with over 100,000 volumes. It is a fact that the Greek language used by Paul, a Pharisee instructed by Gamaliel, (Acts 22:3) is far more erudite than the common language used by Matthew or Mark. Peter refers to this when he says that the writings of Paul are difficult to understand and that some twist to their own destruction. 2 Peter 3:15-16 These "Christian" scholars are not Christians; they are hypocrites attempting to discredit God's word, but Yeshua says: MATT 18:6 |