V RaptureChrist Newsletter
Muslims want to create in European countries their own communities with special laws. Islamic immigrants want to replace local laws with their own Sharia law and Sharia courts. England has Sharia courts in major cities such as London, Birmingham, Bradford, and Manchester; in total, there are 85 courts in England with Islamic judges as rulers. This phenomenon is moving to Canada as Montreal will soon have a housing development exclusively for Muslims. Nabil Warda wants to build homes using Sharia financing. He wants to bring more Muslims into Canada. However, he wants people to adhere to Islamic Sharia law and for all women in the area to cover up.
Liberals always talk about the need to increase diversity by letting Muslims into Christian nations. However, once those Muslims enter a country, they do not integrate, they do not become part of that nation. In the United States there are many immigrants from different countries. They all have different religions, different cultures, and different races, but none of these immigrants have tried to change our laws, our way of living, or our economy. There are people in America that have come from Mexico, Central America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia and Australia. None of them have tried to change the clothes we wear, the laws we abide by, the religions we practice. All these people, let it be from India, Japan, Africa, Central and South America, and so on, have never tried to change America. It is only people from Muslim countries such as Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Syria, Turkey and so forth that have tried, once they are in America, to change our ways. They have done the same in ALL countries to which they emigrate. This is because Islam is a religion and a way of life. Muslim countries are theocracies ruled by Sharia law as stated in the Koran. Therefore, anybody that does not agree with Mohammed's interpretation of the Koran is an infidel... and his/her opinion about the law is not valid.
Often, Muslims complain that the countries into which they emigrate are full of racism. This is not so; America is a land made up of many races. Laws prevent discrimination based on race, religion, sexual orientation, or place of origin. However, there is a pattern that you need to see. Diversity is only letting non-Europeans into Europe and America, but never the other way around. For example, you never hear of the need to import non-Muslims into Saudi Arabia to get more diversification. We see that in Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia (99% Muslim) there are no synagogues or Christian churches. In fact, most of these Muslim countries were Christian before the Muslims invaded them. Muslims have killed most of all the Christian and Jews that were the original population in those areas. The invading Muslims have destroyed the Christian churches that were in those countries for hundreds of years -- and they still continue the process of murdering Christians and desolating their churches. There are in Rome many mosques, but Christians do not go about destroying them, neither do they go into Muslim countries demanding to have special Christian-only zones. Liberals always take the
side of America's enemies. Case in point, they supported building the
ground zero mosque. On the ashes of the twin towers that fell on 9/11,
Muslims will build a victory mosque. To them, it is a symbol of a land
they have conquered. Liberal atheists complain
that church bells make too much noise. They want freedom from religion.
However, they never complain about the noise created by the Muslim call
to prayer. |
God tells us that Christ is the only way. He paid for our sins. Without Jesus we must pay; death is the price. John
10:7 - 8 Christ says that a tree is known by its fruit. Luke
6:43-45 What exactly are the fruits of Islam? Look at 9/11 and the attacks in Madrid, London, Paris, Nice... the list does not end. Just like pigeons fear a snake entering their coop, good people fear letting Muslims in. Proverbs
27:12 Birds know better than to perch on a cat's paw. Often, we can instinctively sense danger and know to be wary. Most of you know that a cat catches innocent little birds, but as the birds grow older, it becomes more difficult to fool them. Likewise, most liberals are young. Often, they are college students who believe the politically correct lies they are told in class as they have little life experience. In fact, a lot of conservatives used to be liberals when they were young. Bitter lessons of life are often learned the hard way.
Adult fools do not become wise. People who do not learn their lessons will continue on the path they are on. I hope everybody comes to the knowledge of the truth, but that requires changing their ways and following YHVH, the only true God. This is what He says about fools: Psalm 14:1 Unfortunately, that is what this society preaches to our little children everyday -- that there is no God. The United States used to allow students to read bibles
in the classroom. However, atheists claimed that Christianity was
offensive. Sadly, in 1962
US Gov kicked God out of public schools and banned prayer.
Since then, what we have seen is a decrease in morals and an increase
in crime. Also, there has been an increase in teen pregnancies.
If a 13 year old girl has a child, what can she teach him,
having no life experience of her own? Deuteronomy 28: 43 What do we see in Muslim countries? Their leaders say that America is Satan and has to be destroyed. They cheer when a Muslim in a dump truck mows down people in France, including little children -- 84 people were killed and there were 204 injured. They cheer when any Muslim goes on a rampage killing innocent people -- like the Somali Muslim at Ohio State University in November, 2016. That is what will happen if you let Muslims in. |