Mark of the Beast,
is it Here? |
Technology once thought to be science fiction
is now a reality. See breaking
For example, small handheld personal communicators
used in the Star Trek TV show in the 1960's were thought fantasy.
Now in the 21st Century we have cellular telephones everywhere. In fact,
the cell phone is replacing the land line.
Wireless technology enables us to be in constant communication with others
But could the state use this technology to keep
track of its subjects?
In the movie Logan's Run, people were constantly
being monitored by a global police state through crystals implanted in their hands.
But is this sort of technology available?
The company that manufactures Digital Angel, ADS,
now has an implantable subdermal computer chip
capable of working as a credit card. Well now, this new syringe-injectable microchip
implant for humans will allow you to buy and sell.
The Bible says:
Revelation 13:16
And he makes ALL, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a
up on their right hand or on their forehead,
Revelation 13:17
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the
or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Originally, this technology was developed under the name of
Radio Frequency Identification Devices (RFID)
to keep
track of cats and dogs. They have also been inserted into objects to prevent theft. Also the RFIDs can be
inserted into cattle to track them.
Is that what we are to the global government,
human cattle?
has a plan to replace all the bar codes in goods with small RFID tags.
This will cost its suppliers millions but it will make it easier to track
That is how the global government sees us. As
machines to be tracked and monitored, like a dog with its collar.
As most of you know there are some dog collars
that can shock the dog if it strays away from its yard. This is known as a
The collar can also be programmed to shock the dog if
he refuses to obey a command from his master. At first a mild shock and then more aggressive
measures can be taken.
It is incredible the amount of behavior
modification that can take place with the proper stimulation.
The Verichip will have a similar function for
people. It will enable a company to track its employees in real time to
make sure they are in their designated areas.
Also it will transform humans into one more
component of production. But is the Verichip the mark of the beast?
The ADS VeriChip™ is an early proto-type of a much more
powerful technology that will ultimately make cash obsolete.
Implantable microchips will work alongside face scanning cameras and thumb
scanners to help establish a totalitarian one world government.
We see all the positives:
No need to carry cash or credit cards. |
No need to remember pin numbers. |
No need to show ID to enter secure areas. |
No chance of it getting lost. |
It can find a lost/missing person. |
Kidnap prevention. |
It has complete medical history of the
person. |
But what about the negatives?
Will criminals chop off your hand to get the chip? |
Could this chip give you an electric shock? |
What about the right to privacy? |
The mark seems quite innocent now, but there is a dark side.
Perhaps in the future, "Your papers please" will be replaced by "scan
If you have ever lived in a dictatorship, then you will know that you cannot leave your house without carrying your documents.
The mark will prevent someone from "forgetting" to bring their passport.
It will be a total surveillance society, where regular citizens are tracked 24 hours a day 7 days a week by orbiting satellites.
Every square inch of the planet will be monitored.
Those who refuse to be implanted with the mark and who do not worship the
wild beast will be hunted down
and killed.
Revelation 13:7
And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome
them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
In NAZI Germany the government kept track of how
much food each citizen bought to see if somebody was hiding Jews.
It will be impossible for you to make a single purchase or sale
without the ever vigilant global government knowing about it.
Revelation 13:17
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark,
or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Those who permit themselves to be implanted will suffer
for all eternity.
Revelation 14:11
And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they
have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and
whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
The mark will evolve into a brainchip, with computers controlling your every thought.
It can cause intense pain to those who wear it.
Revelation 16:2
And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there
fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark
of the beast, and [upon] them which
worshipped his image.
People will live as zombies in a nightmare world where they are more
"MANchine" than man.
British Parliament has proposed a national identification card with
biometric identifiers as mandatory by the year 2010.
According to the BBC,
the new biometric card will
- Aid counter-terrorism
- Stop illegal immigration and working
- Cut benefit fraud
- Cut abuse of public services
- Prevent identity theft
Scotland's Justice Minister Jim Wallace has
challenged the right of Westminster to impose the iron boot of British
Authority on Scotland.
Scottish Nationalists parties have been critical
of the measure, but we live in a new world after 9/11.
The biometric industry has seen tremendous growth after 9/11. Parliament has said that in order to guarantee
safety certain compromises must be made with regard to privacy.
To deter and punish terrorist acts as well as to enhance efforts of law enforcement, officials
have said that it will become necessary to upgrade our current security apparatus
with a more reliable biometric authentication system.
First step is that British citizens will have to carry biometric passports with iris scan or
fingerprints by 2006.
Then by 2010 ALL British citizens will be forced to carry a biometric national ID card, which will serve as an
internal passport.
The Holy Bible says:
Revelation 13:16
And he makes ALL, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark
up on their right hand or on their forehead,
Sounds like a mandatory ID to me. It is possible that ultimately the two cards will be merged into a single biochip implant.
Right now there is a problem with illegal immigrants stealing ID cards and criminals using them to commit crimes.
Could this problem be solved by forcible implantation of the
population? Perhaps. Right now you need a card to drive, to obtain medical care, etc, but you can still pay cash for purchases and
avoid the prying eye of government - so far.
Under the ruse of preventing crime and stopping the flow of drugs, the British government is now saying that it must track all
They claim that privacy is an illusion and only a criminal mind would complain about racking up heavy credit card debt without having the whole of Western Civilization tracking his every movement.
Well, Whitehall is certainly licking its chops because the more they knows about us, then the more easy it is to control us.
People at protest marches are being disproportionately stopped by police and have their ID cards recorded as a way to chill anti-government protests. Their names are recorded onto a national database where they can face further harassment by police and difficulty in obtaining employment.
By keeping a national database with a UPI - Universal Personal
Identifier, it is possible for the government to keep track of
This allows the British government to marginalize groups it considers
The National Police Database contains all information about "people in question" including what classes you registered for in the university and what books you checked out.
The government's continual refrain is that they need this information to stop terrorists. Yes folks, everybody with views against the government party line is a
If a person has a UPI with a black mark next to it they can be denied
employment or housing.
Chapter 88 - a group of people against the abuse of police power states that:
1) The entire concept of a national identity card system requires a level of trust in authority which this country is notably lacking.
2) The implications such a scheme would have for individual civil and human rights - particularly for the right to privacy,
confidentiality and freedom from discrimination - are far too high a price to pay for so little gain.
3) In a country without positive constitutional rights and safeguards, such a scheme would further intensify the creeping
centralization of power and information in the hands of the state at the expense of the freedom and autonomy of its subjects.
In order to prevent theft of the ID card and to grant greater
safety to its citizens, the British government will progressively enact legislation with greater and greater demands
on the rights of its citizens.
What we are seeing is nothing less than the destruction of democratic society and Europe slowly becoming a police state
similar to what it was under NAZI Germany.
What is to stop the government from suddenly declaring that the Green Party is terrorist and arresting all its members?
Under current terrorism legislation, the simple act of
blocking traffic can be considered a terrorist act.
Where do we draw the line?
The Jews in NAZI Germany were told that the new laws were for their protection. Having to carry ID all the time and wearing a yellow
Star of David was for their protection.
Well, we know how that story ended -- with the Jews in the concentration camps gassed to death.
How will this story end?
God says:
Revelation 20:4
And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto
them: and [I saw] the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of
Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast,
neither his image, neither had received [his] mark
upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with
Christ a thousand years.
Pray that Christ comes soon!