V RaptureChrist Newsletter
Winter solstice will fall on December 21 of the modern calendar, but it used to be on December 25 in the ancient Roman astronomical calendar. In the winter solstice the sun is at the lowest point in the heavens. It is the day when the hours of daylight are shortest. From this time on, days start getting longer again, up to the summer solstice -- the day of the year when the hours of daylight are the longest. It was during winter solstice that the Romans celebrated Saturnalia in honor of the Roman god Saturn. What was Saturnalia like? During Saturnalia work of every kind ceased and schools were closed. Public places were decked with fresh flowers and shrubs. Trees were decorated with candles and golden balls. The halls of private homes were decked with boughs of laurel and holly. Children were given dolls as presents; adults were given candy, nuts, books, candles and green wreaths. The streets were full of noisy crowds. As Romans became more corrupt, drinking and wild parties became common during the festival. Does this type of celebration sound familiar? People have been celebrating "Christmas" thousands of years before Christ was born. Romans did not create this festival. The winter solstice of December 25 was commemorated globally for thousands of years before the birth of Yeshua our Lord. They celebrated variations of the false trinity composed of a father, mother and son. The mother was the queen of heaven and her son was the god of light.. The incorporation of the word "Christmas" to the celebration of the winter solstice occurred in the 4th century A.D. when Pope Julius I decreed the observation of the birth of Christ to coincide with Saturnalia. But, most important, how does YHVH our God view this type of
Jeremiah 10:3
The celebration of Christmas has nothing to do with the birth of Christ. It is entirely pagan. For more information read: |
At the time when Yeshua was about to be born, His parents, Miriam (Mary) and Joseph, had to travel to Bethlehem to be registered in a mandatory census. Registrations of this type were usually done when the weather was mild for travel, never in the rainy season. They were typically after the harvest in late September. We also find that Joseph and Miriam (Mary) found no room to stay in Bethlehem. Why was Bethlehem full? Because there was a festival going on, and Jerusalem was full, and all the nearby towns were full. Bethlehem is only 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) from Jerusalem. There were three times in the year {Passover, Pentecost, and Sukkot} that all males were required to go to Jerusalem. See Holy Days. Joseph and Miriam arrived at Bethlehem during the fall festival of Sukkot. As the city was full of people, there was no room in the inn, and they had to stay in the stable. Therefore, Miriam delivered the baby in the stable and placed him in a manger.
Luke 2:7 In the Judean Mountains surrounding Bethlehem, the shepherds are out in the hills up to the middle of October because November to March is the rainy winter season and the flocks of sheep are kept in corrals. In late December the weather is too cold at night, and it can even snow. Therefore, the New Testament description of the birth of Yeshua contradicts a Dec. 25th date. To find more information from the Talmud on the exact date of
birth, see: |