V Rapture
Christ Newsletter
God certainly does not want us to dump raw sewage in a river. It contaminates the water that people need to drink with bacteria and viruses. Oh yes, God wants us to drink pure water and breath in pure air. People need to understand that this is a serious issue. Drinking from contaminated streams leads to waterborne illnesses that kill millions of people every year. What we need to do is prevent human feces from being introduced into a stream or a river. Rather instead, we need to compost our waste and turn it into a resource. However, we can indeed wonder about what the future will bring us. God says: Deuteronomy 23:12-14 Please do not try to fool yourself, the dark days ahead of us will not be easy. In fact, we must all start to become more aware. Let us take heed and prepare. Remember the Parable of the Ten Virgins. |
Right now there is a drought in the west coast. Well, it does seem that things are getting even worse. Customers need to prepare. Please do understand that prices in your grocery may increase. Could be that stockpiling food is a good idea as many items might become scarce. Try to grow your own. Supermarkets might hire extra security guards and limit their hours of operation to combat crime. This will make life more difficult for us. Already, we see that in this year, double digit inflation is on a roar. Expect our food to become even more pricey. God tells us in the bible: Rev 6:5-6 Back then a denarius was a Roman silver coin. This common coin was definitely known as a laborer's daily wage. Notice that it take a days wage to buy food for one day and there is nothing left over for other expenses. Notice that God says - do not hurt the oil or the wine. Olive trees are drought resistant and so are grape vines. |