V RaptureChrist Newsletter
Politically correct churches are so common now. Ministers do not talk about sin. After all, that could lead to serious consequences. For example, our government cut shut down the church because they do not want to offend some one. Please do remember what the Holy Bible says: 1 John 2:15 To enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, we must be righteous, and we must confront evil head on. Instead, we see that many ministers are trying to appease Satan and his evil minions. All these sinister ministers care about is having more members sitting in pews.
Fellow brothers and sisters, God loves the truth and lies are from the Devil and his evil minions. Christ told the Pharisees: John 8:44 God wants us to always speak the truth and falsehood never. Christ is of the truth and we, His followers, should strive to be like him. John 18:37 God can guide us to all truth, but we must listen to his voice. Many religious leaders of today are similar to the Pharisees of Christ's day. They speak lies and are of the devil - wolves in sheep's clothing they are. Matthew 7:15 |