V RaptureChrist Newsletter
A ccording to the Apostle Paul we are at war. However, it is not against flesh and blood we fight, but against the spirit realm. People do not realize that we are engaged in spiritual warfare.
Whenever we are faced with problems... problems that are so big that we think they cannot be solved... this is due to obstacles from the forces of darkness. The Holy Bible gives us many examples. Let me mention one of them. The prophet Daniel was praying to God and finally, several days later, the angel Gabriel appeared telling him that his prayer was answered from the first day he prayed to God. The reason for the delay was that the "Prince of Persia," a demon, was opposing the angel. Daniel 10:13 As we can see, not only do demons attack people, they can also attack good angels. Of course, angels can see each other... we just cannot. We cannot see demons approaching people and planting ideas in their minds. We cannot see demons causing bad weather, accidents, disease... but they can do these things -- look at the example of Job. Satan, as "the big orchestrator of evil," caused all the children of Job to be killed, most of his servants, the animals, destroyed their properties, and finally caused illness for Job. On top of all of that, Satan made other people confront Job with criticism, ridicule, and contempt. Read the whole story for yourself in the book of Job. Even his own wife told Job to curse God and die. God allowed Satan to do all those things that made Job suffer, but you see, God sees the end from the beginning. Suffering made Job understand many things he did not realize before. After all his trials, he acquired humility and his faith was magnified. Job came to know God in a way he did not know before. There are many people, many of them Christians, who at the present time are going through perilous times. One of the reasons for their troubles is that the love of the many has become cold. A large group in the population thinks it is ok to hate other human beings who "do not belong to the same faith" or do not agree with their ideas. In this way Satan has deceived the masses into an egotistical behavior by which the only important thing is to "take care of number one." Nowadays, the example of the good Samaritan that Jesus gives in the bible is not taught in public schools. What is taught is to be aggressive and to be an over achiever and to get to top positions no matter how many people you need to step on. On the contrary, Christians, following the example of Jesus, are told to set an example of what it means to love each other, including our enemies. Many Christians are enduring hardships and persecution instilled by Satan into the hearts of the unbelievers. Some Christian churches have been burned, and many Christians are being jailed or put to death, but the way to resist the Devil and his human cohorts is not by paying back in the same way. If people throw rocks at you, get out of the way. Do not throw rocks back at them. If people hit you, remember Jesus said to give back the other cheek. We are not fighting people, but the spirit realm. 2 Corinthians 10:4 Now, as Christian families, we need to prepare for spiritual battle every day, and train our children with love so that they could confront the attacks that they will face at an early age. The problem is that many Christian families have abdicated their role in raising children. Television and school are their tutors. Many Christians are letting their children to be taught in public schools, were they are told that religious ideas are foolish, and that unhealthy and immoral lifestyles are proper. Obeying God and his ten commandments becomes more unreal every day as children are exposed to teachers and groups of other children who do not embrace these virtues. We are presenting these facts in order for Christian families to wake up from the slumber in which this society has fallen. We have to resist the Devil and his evil human armies. James 4:7 |
our battles on this earth, God warns Christians that we are not fighting
other people, but Satan and his hordes. God also shows us how to prepare
for battle. Observe that God says that we need to stand
against the wiles of the devil. The word "wile" denotes a
stratagem or trick intended to deceive or snare. The word
"wile" suggests deceiving and entrapping a victim using
his/her weak points. Satan the devil is a master at entrapping
victims, and has many years of experience .... thousands. Ephesians 6:13 Ephesians 6:14-17 1. Belt of Truth 6. Dagger of the Spirit 1 Thessalonians 5:8 God says in the bible that a new day is near. Be of good cheer, the kingdom of God is near. |