V Rapture
Christ Newsletter
God gave us this world and told Adam the first man... to dress it and to keep it, but I do not believe that we have done a good job with what our Lord has given us. Genesis 2:15 ►
Certainly, we can understand that the original plan was for people to live in
peace with no wars. There was to be no pollution or crime.
Archeologists will often find some human remains in caves. Often these specimens
are from thousands of years ago. Regular people can find arrowheads made of
stone near rivers. Back then humans were killing animals and each other. This was not
a part of the original plan that God gave us.
Genesis 1:29-30
Notice that Adam and Eve were to be vegan.
Also, in the beginning, animals ate green plants and did not attack each
other like they do now. God wanted all of us to live together in peace. That was God's plan anyway. However, people started to eat meat later
on. This is because Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and thus God
place on them a curse.
Let us be clear that our Lord does not want us to live in sin. This is why we
live in a fallen world that is full of crime.
It is so sad to see... the terrible state our world is now in. Actually, it use
to be so beautiful thousands of years ago. Back then, before Adam's fall
from grace, the world looked similar to how God's paradise does now.
Let us do what God says. He can take us to a much better place that he is
currently building for us.
John 14:2-3 ► Jesus tells his followers that He is going to build a place for us. That is awesome news. Oh yes, he is coming back to take us. Then we will be with Him forever and ever. I believe this place is in the Paradise of God where He is taking us. Oh yes, it will be quite different than the cities that we live in now.
I do look forward to seeing this day and tell you - Jesus is coming soon. |
Fellow brothers and sisters, I do believe that religion and artificial intelligence could be in a war. Already, there are many college graduates who claim they do not believe in God, but trust in science. Well, this is a logical next step for Satan to use. After all, he wants people to stop worshipping God and do remember that he wanted Eve to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge. Please remember where that got us. Genesis 3:3-5 ► Satan told Eve a lie and we do die. The fact that Adam and Eve did not obey God's direct commands has consequence for all of us now. God has a backup plan for us. He says that the Tree of Life is in the paradise of God - right now.
God wants us to overcome. What does that statement even mean? It means to overcome sin. God does not want people who are active in sin... to live forever in His paradise, because it would not be paradise any more. Instead, God wants us to overcome. That is the key for us. Notice this Tree of Life is not for spirit beings that do not die, but for flesh and blood people like us. Our Lord can reverse a curse. That is what He wants for us. Do not believe Satan and all his lies. Remember that the Tree of Knowledge brought us death and we need to eat from the Tree of Life.
Being in nature is a lot more pleasurable for us. I do like to see greenery. It is calm and serene. Basically, it make us feel at peace.