V RaptureChrist Newsletter
What does our creator think about? Isaiah 55:8-9 God is far superior to us. He is orders of magnitude more intelligent than we are. Luke 12:15
warns us. After all, we should not focus on the material, but rather on
the spiritual to rise to a level higher than our own. People dream of
winning the lottery grand prize. Then they can move into an enormous
mansion. God wants us to help others and not pamper who we are. Remember
the story of Lazarus and the rich man.
Luke 16:23-25
Christ tells us this story so we do not look at the
rich with envy. They had plenty of chances to help the poor. Instead, they
did zero.
There were a lot of lavish parties at the house
of the rich man. He did not give Lazarus the crumbs that fell from the
table even. Please God, help us to strive to do better with the lot you
have given us.
When I was six, I said that when I grew
up... I would buy a candy store and eat all the candy, also, a comic
book store and read all the comics. Funny how our values changes as
we grow wiser.
God can take us to
Paradise and we can dwell with him in heaven.
The computer uses binary logic a yes or a no. Computer numbers are also binary as each digit is either a one or a zero. Please add that logic gates tend to see everything as black or white - with no shades of gray. God sees many shades of gray. His mind might be mathematical, but it far exceeds the binary logic of a mere machine created by human beings in our own era. I prayed that God give me one of His minor thoughts and this is what came to me. ROTATION it was. Funny, we use rotation all over the place - in the wheels of a car. Also, in its engine. The All powerful put in my mind two objects - an object with rotation and an object with none. Well, they were a nail and a screw. Right then, I thought of an ice skate and a roller skate and their differences as well as what they share in common. Funny, to be useful, an ice skate needs a slick surface such as ice. A roller skate does not require a slick surface to work on. In fact, the opposite is our case. |